okay, sedih..
xde calendar utk 5th March...
5th March was my birthday. my 7TEENth birthday ..
so, happy birthday to me.. hehe sedihnya
may Allah bless my family and I... my friends and I... my brothers and sisters in Islam in Japan...
and my brothers and sisters in Islam from all over the world..
dah tua tua camni, ingatkan tak kan dapat hadiah dah~~
heehee guess what? i still got it laa XD
look look look look
this kawaaiiii japanese KIMMIDOLL key-chain was given by Fatin 'Izzatul 'Ashikin
i know, i know
it looks sooo cool X)
even cooler if you goooogled it...
my camera is not DSLR fyi =='' sbb tu x cantikk
btw, it's the kimmidoll set. and the name is Tomoka which means 'true friend'
eeee! seronakkk ~~
may Allah bless you, Fatin! AMEEN
this Maid Maiden; Tuesday comic is a present from Syafiah Masturah, a friend from
my previous school, Maahad Al-Manar
we met at the O.W.H program, and she gave me this.
as you can see, below of this Tuesday book is the Wednesday edition.
luckily she bought me the Tuesday because i just read it at her house but i don't own one and i bought myself the Wednesday
(okay, aku pon x paham mende aku type nihh)
barakallahu fiki, ya Syafiah *smilingaswideasmylipscan*
gaahhh! handsome plak Bennett ni *fangirlmomentpleaseeee*
and lastly, HAHA!
Zati Hanani just gave me this Pokemon Movies 19 in 1 DVD
she came to me this morning with Kino plastic bag in her hand
fusshhh i was like berdebar-debar dah
sebab she said yesterday (which is Sunday) she had a surprise for me on Monday
and here it is XXDDD
thanks a lot Zati! May Allah bless you
dont get me wrong. i pray for them because they make me happy
they put smile to my face (ceee.. D_D)
they are Allah's reward for me to make me feel even more grateful to the Him for giving such friends
okay~ that's all for now..
and oh oh!
i just got a new apple of my eyes

kawaii, ne?? he seems like Noctis' little brother for me

so lightning, how was your day?
heehee gilanya saya #.#